
Showing posts from November, 2017

STRUCTURE OF ATOMS LECTURE 1 | Rutherford's Atomic Model

CHAPTER 2 STRUCTURE OF ATOMS LECTURE 1 The structure of atom refers to how the sub-atomic particles are arranged. Atoms are so small that they can only be visualized with a scanning tunneling microscope. Atom The word ‘atom’ was first introduced by Greek philosopher Democritus. He gave the concept that matter is made up of very small indivisible particles called atoms. The word atom means indivisible, uncuttable ( a-not + tomos -cutting). The sub-atomic particles in an atom are protons (positively charged), electrons (negatively charged) and neutrons (neutral – no charge). Rutherford’s Atomic Model In 1911, Rutherford performed an experiment in order to know the arrangement of electrons and protons in atoms. Rutherford's atomic model shows the existence of nucleus in the atom, nature of charge on the nucleus and the magnitude of charge on the nucleus. Rutherford’s Experiment Apparatus for Experiment           Very thin gold...


CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LECTURE 2 Branches of Chemistry 1.      Physical Chemistry The branch of Chemistry that deals with the laws and theories to understand the structure and changes of matter is called Physical Chemistry. 2.      Organic Chemistry The branch of Chemistry that deals with substances containing carbon is called Organic Chemistry. However, some carbon compounds such as CO 2 , CO, carbonates and bicarbonates are studied in Inorganic Chemistry. 3.      Inorganic Chemistry The branch of Chemistry that deals with the study of all element and their compounds except organic compounds is called Inorganic Chemistry. 4.      Biochemistry The branch of Chemistry that deals with the physical and chemical changes (like Respiration, photosynthesis etc.) that occur in living organisms is called Biochemistry. 5.      Indust...


CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LECTURE 1 Science The word Science is derived from the Latin word  scientia , which means knowledge. A knowledge which can be verified (prove) by experiments is called Science. It is the knowledge that provides understanding of this world and how it works. Science develops through observations and experiments rather than speculations alone. Chemistry Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of properties, composition and structure of matter along with chemical changes involved in it and principles that govern these changes. Matter Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter. There are four states of matter:- 1.                    Solid 2.                    Liquid 3.     ...